Friday, March 9, 2018

Being you...

A moment is reached
where feelings and thoughts need to be spoken
and today, you slipped through my lips and became words...
Words I cannot and will not bury,
words that bring joy to my soul.

I feel you and I need you to know that I want to see you
even when you can't stand yourself;
I want to look at you
even when your eyes spread nothing but sadness, anger or fear.
I want to talk to you
even if some unpleasant words surface;
I want to hold you
even if your world is spinning out of control...

I want you, all of you...
The good and the not so good,
the smiles and the frowns,
the sparkle and the shadow,
the kisses and the struggles...

I wanna love you, let me love you...

I want to wake up to your smile
but if I can't
I’ll wake up to your laughter, to your voice,
to anything and everything yours.

You need to know that doesn't matter the venture
you are welcome anytime, everytime...
Not only you are welcome,
you are wanted, desired, expected.....

You are loved, very loved...
Not because of who I believe you are,
but because of who I know you to be...
You are you and that is perfect!  

Your wings spread wide
but I'll always encourage them to spread wider...
I do not want you chained,
I want to know your mind, body and soul
and I want them to be open,
I want them to fly higher,
to reach new, better,
more beautiful horizons.

I want you Free,
full of love...
I want you to be you…
I love you for being you!  

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