Friday, March 9, 2018

Buried deep

You came into my life
and enchanted my being
with words of wisdom,
enlightenment and wellbeing
and left a trail of all those
and much much more.

I deplore the way
in which you forget about my feelings
and rejoice in believing
that you have total control...
Not only over your thoughts, actions and feelings
but also over all those
that belong to me.

I refuse to accept
the way you expect
to be understood,
taken care of and loved
but easily forget
that others need that too.

The time to feel unworthy and unappreciated
came and left way before you came.
That part of myself was buried
deep down in the bottom of an overflowing well
and I made sure it was deep enough
to not ever be able to dig it up
and live it again.

This somewhat healthy heart
definitely doesn't want
to be treated any less
than it knows it deserves.

So if I ought to respect
what my heart expects
I must walk away
and give you your space.

A space that you want,
a space that you need,
a space and place
you are not willing to share.

With a heart full of pain
and a crying soul
I must walk away
to salvage what's left.

I can love you close,
I can love you far,
I can love you more than anybody else can,
but first,

I must love myself.
I must love myself enough
for me to know,
there's no reason to beg
even if I care
because it's perfectly clear
there's no space
nor place
for me there.

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