Saturday, March 10, 2018

Urge to swim

My heart aches,
my body longs for yours
and my souls cries your goodbye...

Confusion and sadness flood my being...
Uncertain of what it should or shouldn't be.  
North and south have merged
and the compass is found crazy.

Not clear of what I should think or feel,
Not sure I'm able to breathe!   
I gasp for air with hopes of clarity,
hopes of unity,
hoping for opportunity…

A chance not to judge you or be judged,
a chance to be understood and to understand,
to listen and to be heard,
a chance to love you
just the way you want and deserve...

Failed you miserably,
like all the others.
Hoping to be different
I became the same...

You are the ocean
and I love your waves,
but my urge to swim
made me forget
that fighting against the current
Makes time, love and life a waste.

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