Saturday, March 10, 2018

I vow to you

I wish I would have met you sooner
so I would have under my belt
many many years of happiness…
I want to count more looks,
more hugs,
longer conversations,
more mornings,
way more nights
and much much longer kisses...
I want to hold you tighter,
help you better,
feel you closer
and love you stronger
every day of our lives.  

I vow today to take on and love,
all of you...
Your fears,
your dreams,
your hopes,
your everything...
Because each one of those
are what made you
so astonishingly beautiful in my eyes.
I promise to celebrate each day,
all  the greatness that surrounds us
but I will also do my best
to learn from every little darkness too…
 I vow to get better every day
because you deserve the very best.
I can’t promise perfection
but I can assure you that my current
will always be chasing that horizon.  

I once heard that Utopia is constant walk,
that it is constant change!  
In my walk toward reaching utopia,
You are definitely
many huge steps in the right direction!
Everything we have had up to now has been amazing
but today
I can confidently say
that all those years are nothing
compared to the countless exquisite ones
that we will share.

As Beau Taplin said:
Sometimes, home has a heartbeat...
You are my home,
my sun,
my queen,
my everything…
today, tomorrow and always.
I am forever yours!

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