Saturday, March 10, 2018

Go ahead

The moment I made
the greatest decision in life
was the moment I chose
to welcome you in my arms.

It is because of you,
that I want to be better;
that I want,
to always do better.
You have helped me grow,
and overall,
feel better.

Admiring your success
will always be the best.
Please never forget,
how loving you is my pleasure
and how my life’s purpose
is making sure  you’re successful.

My fight against my mind
had always kept me in the dark;
but your presence in my life,
has helped me find light.

I want you free and strong;
I want you happy
and truly alive.
For that it’s not enough,
to simply have life…
You should never just survive.

You must spread joy,
be humble and thrive.
You must be daring,
be caring,
have fun,
and enjoy life.

You becoming my minion,
has never been my intention.
All I ever want,
Is for you to fulfill your ambition.

Guiding you and loving you
has always been my north
and be sure, my treasure
I will forever help you go forth.

Grow strong, my dearest;
stand tall, my love;
find all the beauty, my darling;
you are my gift to the world.

Go ahead, my baby
never stay in the bottom;
go ahead, Alexa;
go ahead and blossom.

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