Friday, March 9, 2018

Not enough

In a blink of an eye you vanished,
in a heartbeat you were gone…
like a cruel joke of the universe
you ceased to be visible to my eyes,
you ceased to be tangible.

The pain became unbearable,
the guilt overpowering,
the feeling of being forsaken was just unendurable...  
It was my desire to walk beside you,
to learn with you, to grow together
to become bigger, stronger and better.
I have a quenching thirst for your words,
for your looks
and for your smile.
I crave your touch,
your laugh,
your smarts,
and beside you
for moments of bliss I yearn.
I cry for the loss...
you became more than lover, a Friend.
And I find myself mourning that I simply

didn't have enough time to show you I cared....

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