Saturday, March 10, 2018

Catch us if you can!

Together, we become leaves in the wind
and as beautiful as it is,
We must tightly hold on to each other
to lead, direct and command that wind.

Together we become music that only our souls can hear...
A Melodious, rhythmical, magical combination of notes;
We become the music that beautifies the world.

Together we become art...
Colorful joyous art!
The kind of art that transcends taste and time...
The kind of art that immortalizes itself
because of its beauty and deep meaning.

Together we become heroes...
We become faster, bigger, stronger, better and even prettier.  
Together we become unstoppable,

Together we become a force...
A powerful loving force to be reckoned;
a force that pushes and holds,
breaks and makes,
gives and takes...

Together we become one...
Not by fusion but by hand...
Holding hands we achieve anything,
we create and enjoy everything.  

Womanhood takes a new meaning,
takes a new strength,
And it is without any doubt,
worth the wait.

Together we are undeniably the ones to watch,
the ones to model,
the ones that catch...

And with That said, I exhort all and implore all

to hurry up and catch us if you can!  

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