Saturday, March 10, 2018

Perfect imperfection

How can you be everything
and in a blink of an eye
nothing at all?
I don’t do black and white,
I dwell in the grays in between.  

I will never understand,
how you're able to erase;
for me,
it is unthinkable
to eliminate
any human being
as if there was no energy,
love or time to share.

I believe in building people
and holding their hand
when they necessitate.
To turning your back
I will never consent.

If you look hard enough,
inside them,
there's always something to love .
And when you find the good
and the beautiful within them,
make sure you express it and to be better give them strength.

Let your words become
the ground, the solid ground
they build on...
and leave everything much better
than it was before.
Beauty is all around us;
all we have to do
is give it love
to beautify it all
even more.
I refuse to regret loving
because love is air
and it keeps us moving.
So, here's my gift to you...
Your beauty lies
in the shine in your eyes,
It is deep within
your genuine smile.

It lies in the way
your hand feels
and in how it heals.

It is to admire,
how passionately you express
and your beliefs how strong you defend.

A few unpreferred things
also come to mind
like how stubborn you can be,
and how blunt you are
especially when upset;
and how you make assumptions
based on little lies you tell yourself.

There's that distance you take for days,
in order to protect yourself,
and how you get scared
and push everybody awAy.

With the good and not so good...
You are perfect imperfection.

 As I search for the impact
I might’ve had in your life
Not making you happy
saddens my heart.

 With hopes that you have found
everything that you need and want
I hereby find myself,,
sending love your way...

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